There are many topics being discussed in the world today but one that is on many minds is plastic. This year International World Earth Day is on Sunday 22nd April with events taking place throughout the country. Here are some you can get involved in.
Beach Clean up ©YHA
International World Earth Day
What is International World Earth Day
International World Earth Day has been an annual worldwide event since 1970, the birth of the modern environmental movement. Events take place to raise awareness, support, and protect the environment. Today events take place in more than 193 countries! This year the Youth Hostel Association (YHA) has pulled out all the stops and organised events so you can Get Your Green On.
Get Your Green On ©YHA
There are events taking place throughout the UK, so why not join in with one of the YHA-organised events? These include beach clean-ups to clothes swaps. Then in the evenings celebrate the day's achievements with food, drink, and music. Inspire, cultivate, and Get Your Green On.
Clothes Swap Shop ©YHA
What you can Do
Not able to attend any events on the day? Speak to your local library/community centre to see what events are taking place in your area or perhaps you would like to organise your own event/day out with friends and family. Urban clean-ups are good fun and a great way to Get Your Green On.
Urban Clean Up ©YHA
Would love to hear from you, how will you be celebrating International World Earth Day? please email
On Twitter? Why not share your photos/achievements of the day? #WorldEarthDay @DeansPhotog