One of my favourite things while away is exploring the gardens and seeing the incredible flora. I was taken back by the immaculately landscaped gardens at the Movenpick Resorts we stayed at. The brightly coloured flowers came in all shapes and sizes, some with sweet perfume aromas. Here are some to look out for and that you might like to grow at home.

Movenpick Resort and Spa Dead Sea, Amman, Jordan ©MDHarding
Colourful Flora of Jordan
Desert Rose (Adenium)
We saw the pretty Desert Rose at the Movenpick Resort & Spa Tala Bay Aqaba.
The shrubby perennial is native to Arabia and Africa but can be grown in the USA and also in the UK. The beautiful small cluster flowers bloom during the summer months in white, pink or red. Growing well in a sheltered partial spot with either south or west-facing aspect. This low maintenance deciduous shrub needs an alkaline well-drained loam soil.
Will you try to grow this little gem in your garden?

Desert Rose (Adenium), Movenpick Resort & Spa Tala Bay Aqaba, Jordan ©MDHarding
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ Plant or Fortune Tree)
The Tropical African houseplant rarely flowers but has architectural zig-zag lush green foliage. It's one of the toughest indoor plants and can thrive in both high and low light levels. Did you know house plants can also remove toxins from the air within your home? This little plant removes toluene and xylene chemicals found in house paints, nail polish, adhesives, ink and even permanent magic markers.
Another reason you might like to grow it in your home is that it's said, to bring good fortune and luck.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia, Movenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea, Jordan ©MDHarding
Tecoma capensis, (Cape Honeysuckle)
The Cape Honeysuckle or also known as the West Indian Honeysuckle is native to Southern Africa. The bright orange trumpet flowers are not fragrant but they are nectar-filled, attracting hummingbirds and butterflies in late summer.
The tropical evergreen climber can also be grown as a shrub in the UK within a mild, sheltered and sunny garden or grown in a pot and taken indoors during winter.

Cape Honeysuckle, Movenpick Resort & Spa Tala Bay Aqaba, Jordan ©MDHarding
A Member of the Plumbaginaceae Family
Not entirely certain but the flowers and habitat suggest this shrub is a member of the Plumbaginaceae family. If yes, it's evergreen preferring a full sun position in a sheltered garden. Does require a bit of pruning in early spring. If anyone knows, please do get in touch.

Plumaginaceae Family Plant, Movenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea, Jordan ©MDHarding
Canna Indica (Canna Lily)
The rhizomatous perennial originated in Latin America, one of the first domesticated plants in the Americas. Cultivated for thousands of years by the Native American's for its starchy edible root. Today it puts on a reliably good show in the garden with its bright tropical flower and foliage like that of a banana, either as a summer bedding plant or in a container.
Cannas can be grown in the UK, but need a bit more attention as a tender plant they need a sunny position, watering during dry spells, uplifted and stored during the winter.

Canna Lily, Movenpick Resort & Spa Tala Bay Aqaba, Jordan ©MDHarding
Mint plant (Lamiaceae family)
This fragrant spike is a member of the mint/Lamiaceae family. It's sometimes known as India holy basil.
The perennial plant has been widely used both as a culinary and medicinal herb throughout history. It's said to date back to ancient Greece. The name "mint" comes from a nymph named Minthe or Menthe, a character in Greek mythology who, according to legend, was Pluto's girlfriend.
Mint can be easily grown in the UK, just be careful as it can become rampant.

Mint Plant (Lamiaceae), Movenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea, Jordan ©MDHarding
One of my favourites seen in a few tropical destinations is the Bougainvillea also known as the paperflower. Native to South America, it can be grown and enjoyed for several years in the UK but has to be kept frost-free either in a pot or a hanging basket. As the common name suggests the delicate flowers (bracts) are paper-like, in some varieties with a protruding stigma and stamen. Flowering during spring between 4 - 6 weeks and a second time in summer depending on the health/situation of plant. The flowers (bracts) are a type of modified leaf coming in a range of colours such as pink, purple, white and orange. Though the latter two aren't as hardy.

Bougainvillea cvar, Movenpick Resort & Spa Dead Sea, Jordan ©MDHarding
I hope you enjoyed reading and inspired to see these beautiful plants in Jordan or enjoy growing them at home. If you do, would love to hear! You can get in touch via social media or email me directly at:
Until next time, stay safe, happy and healthy x