I love everything bees from bee-autiful interior plump cushions to kitchen bee accessories and honey of course! I was so excited to discover natural beeswax candles from Cotton & Grey. Taking time out in a very busy schedule is so important. Having experienced burnout on a number of occasions, my motto this year is to take time for myself and relax. Here is how you can take time out too with Cotton & Grey relaxation candles.

Cotton & Grey Relaxation Bees Wax Candles Review
The tiny box arrived safely in the post, through the letterbox. Inside a beautiful grey box with 12 miniature yellow natural bees wax candles and a perfectly formed little white pebble-shaped holder.

I sat down to write my journal and downloaded everything onto paper that had happened that day, all the while the little candle burned brightly. Twenty minutes later I was finished and so to was the candle. There was a hint of honey fragrance, no dribbled wax, and no heat from the holder. Just to be safe I would not put the candle and holder directly onto any surface and please do not leave any candle/naked flame unattended!

These beautiful little candles are a great reminder to take time out and immerse yourself in the moment, as well as being perfectly formed for that 20-minute tea break too (no more clock-watching).
A little ray of hope and peace, reminding me of the power of mindfulness, and how important it is to be in the now.
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present" - Eleanor Roosevelt
About Cotton & Grey
Cotton & Grey twenty-minute candles came about when they put together a small box of beeswax candles and handwritten affirmation cards for a close friend, who was struggling in lockdown to help her relax and restore her well-being… and she loved them!
Six months on, Cotton & Grey are the proud finalists in this year's Gift of the Year 2022.
A wide selection of small and larger candles for all occasions can be found at: www.cottonandgrey.com